Return the Loot 1.5

DEVLOG for Return the Loot Version 1.0 to 1.5

10 July 2023 (Version 1.1)

--Added a title screen.

--Split the setting of difficulty values between Start Events and Game Events so that both the starting score and the player jump abilities would be properly set for all levels. Tried various jump values, making the "Hard" and "Medium" difficulty modes progressively less floaty.

--Reduced the size of the "Level" label at top of each level screen. It now fades but remain visible throughout play.

--Changed gateway to use an overlap event instead of a collision event. Player can stand in a closed gate that is in process of opening, and will go through automatically when it opens.

--Fixed minor tilemap issues on some levels.

--Eliminated all instances of player object on the levels. The only instance is now on the Start layout. Instances are now spawned on the levels by the player sprite. This prevents unintended changes in the player object values.

--Changed the result of "relooting" a collectible that you have returned. Relooting adds twice the normal value to your score. The returned items pulse to distinguish them from regular collectibles.

11 July 2023 (Version 1.2)

--Added instance variables to the Gateway object to control which level the gateway leads to.

--Added a second Gateway on Level 5. Added a Level 6b.

--Changed blank gold coin to a silver coin for clarity.

--Changed location of the value display of a collected item to be just above item object instead of in the upper left corner of the layout.

12 July 2023 (Version 1.3)

--Changed image origin points on the player object and player sprite from middle to bottom.

--Added upward drift to the value display of a collected item.

--Added "of 7" to the Level Display (eg "Level: 1 of 7").

13 July 2023 (Version 1.4)

--Reloaded music file at adjusted bit rate to improve sound quality.

--Made minor adjustments to music/ SFX controls.

--Added jump SFX.

--Added bbcode formatting to texts.

--Changed the way player interacts with a "returned" item. For the first X seconds, the item will pulse and cannot be collected. After it stops pulsing, it can be collected, but its value is twice the norm. (X = value of the item.)

--Added an alternative Level 7 (7b).

15 July 2023 (Version 1.5)

--Added Bous Level and mechanics.

--Added mechanic that allows player to see the base value of an item by tapping it with finger or mouse.

--Updated and revised documentation.

17 July 2023

--Version 1.5 released on


Return the Loot 1.5 4.3 MB
Jul 17, 2023

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